A 100% WILDFLOWER mixture containing many native chalk grassland species. Suitable for low fertility soils where there are a large proportion of visible chalk or limestone pieces. Sow at 1 grams per square metre or 4 Kgs per acre Mixture specification (all percentages by seed weight) 100% Wild flower * Species marked with an asterisk are included on the RHS list of Perfect for Pollinators Perfect for pollinators please click the BUNDLED ITEMS tab above to view photos of all individual species contained within this mix, which can also be purchased individually *BIRDSFOOT TREFOIL Lotus corniculatus 5 % of mix *CLUSTERED BELLFLOWER Campanula glomerata 1 % of mix *COWSLIP Primula veris 3.75 % of mix *GREATER KNAPWEED Centaurea scabiosa 5 % of mix HOARY PLANTAIN Plantago media 5 % of mix *KIDNEY VETCH Anthyllis vulneraria 7.5 % of mix *LADY`S BEDSTRAW Galium verum 8.5 % of mix *MEADOW BUTTERCUP Ranunculus acris 6.5 % of mix *OXEYE DAISY Leucanthemum vulgare 5 % of mix RIBWORT PLANTAIN Plantago lanceolata 8.5 % of mix *ROUGH HAWKBIT Leontoden hispidus 2.5 % of mix *SALAD BURNET Sanguisorba minor 13.5 % of mix *SELF HEAL Prunella vulgaris 5 % of mix *SMALL SCABIOUS Scaboisa columbaria 2.5 % of mix *WILD BASIL Clinopodium vulgare 5 % of mix *WILD CARROT Daucus carota 5.75 % of mix *WILD MARJORAM Origanum vulgare 5 % of mix *WILD MIGNONETE Reseda lutea 2.5 % of mix *YARROW Achilla millefolium 2.5 % of mix |
Printed 02/01/2025 21:56:59
mm3 f _1 a 100 wildflower mixture containing many native chalk grassland species suitable for low fertility soils where there are a large proportion of visible chalk or limestone pieces sow at 1 grams per square metre or 4 kgs per acre