Several of the varieties within this selection will attract birds directly through their seeds and seed heads, whilst others will attract insects which in turn will attract birds. Note: this selection will include 10 of the 12 wildflower species shown. A total of 10grms of seed will be supplied. (1grm of each species) * Species marked with an asterisk are included on the RHS list of Plants for Pollinators designed to help gardeners and organizations find wildflower seeds and plants to attract pollinating insects such as bees. Perfect for pollinators please click the BUNDLED ITEMS tab above to view photos of some of the individual species contained within this selection, which can also be purchased individually Note: this selection will include 10 of the 12 wildflower species shown. *BIRDSFOOT TREFOIL *BLACK KNAPWEED COW PARSLEY *FIELD SCABIOUS *GREATER KNAPWEED *HEMP AGRIMONY *TEASEL *WILD BASIL WILD CARROT *WILD MARJORAM *WILD MIGNONETE *WILD STRAWBERRY |
Printed 15/01/2025 04:54:03
ss5 several of the varieties within this selection will attract birds directly through their seeds and seed heads whilst others will attract insects which in turn will attract birds note this selection will include 10 of the 12 wildflower species shown a total of 10grms of seed will be supplied 1grm of each species