snowdrops in the green
Snowdrops in the green are supplied in early spring immediately after they have flowered. At this time they can be lifted and replanted successfully. This is generally a very successful, quick and easy way of establishing snowdrops and flowering can be expected the following seasons. Snowdrops look beautiful in a woodland setting and can be grown along with other early flowering plants such as Winter aconites. Snowdrops provide an early source of nectar and pollen for bees emerging from hibernation.
snowdrops in the green planting
Our plants are supplied in multiples of 100 and in our experience usually look best planted as a single clump, which can then be lifted and dived at a later stage . Alternatively plants can be planted in smaller clumps of 10 or 20 and allowed to multiply over the course of of a few season.
In the green snowdrops look best when planted in a shady setting eg. a woodland glade or under the north side of a hedge. In gardens, the perfect setting for in the green snowdrops might be under a small tree or in a shady border. Snowdrops can sometimes be grown in patchy grass but long term results can be a little less predictable.
snowdrops in the green to buy
Snowdrops are normally dispatched in the green in early March but can be ordered at any time of year. In 2016 snowdrops in the green are likely to be ready earlier than usual. This is due to the exceptionally mild weather so far this winter which has caused snowdrops to flower approximately 1 month earlier than normal. We are currently unable to confirm a precise date for dispatch but will provide regular updates on our website and through our newsletter. We are currently running a special offer of 100 snowdrops in the green for £18.95.
For further details and ordering information please click here.