August sees the first signs of autumn with the first migrant birds departing our shores. One of the first and more obvious garden birds to leave are swifts and by the middle of the month most birds will have gone, their screaming calls no longer filling the air on warm summer evenings. Read more
As summer arrives, wildlife takes on an altogether more relaxed approach and by the end of the month birds appear noticeably quieter as the main breeding season draws to a close. The sound of birdsong and the dawn chorus is replaced by the begging calls of fledglings. On very hot days you may even notice Read more
As spring moves steadily towards summer, the breeding season is now in full flow for many of our resident birds. By mid month the dawn chorus will reach a peak and a very early morning walk in deciduous woodland provides an unforgettable experience. A visit to old woodland in May can also be a source of inspiration to the Wildflower gardener. In certain woods, vast swathes of Bluebell still exist and can be found flowering this month, along with many other woodland plants such as Violets and Campions.
In the Wildflower garden the theme has so far been yellow. By May however, white takes over, with species such as Cow Parsley, Hedge Garlic, Greater Stitchwort, Wild Garlic and various tree blossoms such as Cherry and Hawthorn decorating woodlands and hedgerows.
Bird Cherry blossom
Look out too for hedgehogs this month. They are particularly active during May, often seeking out food at night. Left to their own devices, hedgehogs will help keep a check on the local slug population and other garden pests. If you wish to encourage them, then it is best to do so by putting out some tinned pet food and a simple tray of water.
An unpredictable month weather wise, often with showers and sun but with the days lengthening and the ground starting to warm, April is the month that sees many of our native trees coming into leaf. Resident birds will already be egg laying and migrant birds such as swallows and warblers will be arriving into the country in huge numbers by the end of the month, the exact timing often affected by the various weather systems. Read more
With spring just round the corner, March is a month of great activity in the garden. An increase in the volume of birdsong is a sure sign that many of our resident birds are already busy defending territories and indeed nest building. Frogs, toads and newts will also be breeding now. Frogspawn will normally appear first, followed by toad spawn with newts normally laying their eggs last. In the Wildflower garden, yellow is the theme, with Wild daffodil, Primrose, Celandines and Bulbous Buttercup all flowering. Read more
Typically bitterly cold and wet with the strong possibility of snow and ice, February is the month that sees the first catkins begin to appear on Hazel, Goat willow and Alder trees. Look out for the first signs of spring with Celandines, Primroses, Sweet Violets, Snowdrops and Aconites appearing in woodlands and hedgerows. Read more
Although traditional gardeners often dread mid winter, a wildflower garden can be a place of fascination at this time of year. By early month it should already be possible to hear great tits singing. Their song, a repetitive and metallic “tea cher” “tea cher” is one of the first signs that spring is approaching. Read more
The Wildflower garden in December is a quiet place, with many plants and trees now fully dormant and creatures such as frogs and hedgehogs in hibernation. However a close inspection of the soil may already reveal Read more
November is the month when everything falls silent in the wildflower garden. The early part of the month is dominated by the wide array of autumn colours that appear in our woodlands and hedgerows. The exact timing and degree of colouration is dependent on weather conditions, with frost, rainfall and autumn gales all playing a part. Read more
With summer now officially at an end, October is the month of misty mornings and colder nights when plant growth slows down. Many of our native species enter a period of dormancy by shedding their foliage and survive the winter by holding their resting buds under the soil in preparation for the following spring. Read more