With spring rapidly approaching there are still a couple of weeks left to buy Snowdrops in the green.
Early flowering bulbs such as Snowdrops provide a vital source of nectar and pollen for insects such as bees as they emerge from hibernation on warmer late winter days. The video below was filmed on 17th February 2017 and Read more
Many of these varieties will provide a vital source of nectar for Bees and other wildlife. Please click the links above to discover how these plants can be introduced into wildflower gardens and other habitats.
To view our full range of over 160 individual wildflower seeds please click here.
We now have stock of fresh Yellow Rattle seeds, harvested in July 2016. Yellow Rattle seeds can be sown anytime between August and December and will help to suppress grass growth next season. This can reduce the amount of cutting that will be needed and create ideal conditions for colonization or introduction of native wildflowers. To order fresh Yellow Rattle seeds please click here.
If you have ordered plant plugs from us this spring they should be dispatched over the course of the next few weeks. We have already started dispatching plugs wherever possible , however as a result of recent lower than average temperatures certain species are a couple of weeks behind normal. As a result our next main dispatch of plant plugs is anticipated to be wk beginning 9th May. Orders for smaller quantities of 10 to 50 plugs will be dispatched initially, with larger orders sent out from around Mid May.
All orders for plant plugs that were received before 1st May, should be dispatched before 1st June. If for any reason you haven’t received your plugs by then, please feel free to contact us.
Full planting instructions will be supplied with all plant plug orders.
This winter, we will dispatch 10 grams of free wildflower seeds with all orders received over £10 (ex. postage) Offer applies to all orders received on or before 29.02.2016 and free seeds will be sent together with other items ordered are soon as they are ready for dispatch.
Spring or autumn is the perfect time for sowing mixtures of Cornfield annuals. These quick and easy to grow seeds will normally be in full flower by June or July following an early spring sowing.
Each packet contains a mixture of annual wildflower seeds including Corn Chamomile, Corn Marigold Corn Cockle, Corn Poppy and Cornflower seeds and will produce a spectacular display of White, Red, Blue and Pink in early summer. In late summer the display will turn a beautiful golden-yellow as Corn Marigold begins to dominate. Corn field annuals will attract a wide range of insects such as Butterflies and Bees and after flowering the seed-heads will be visited by birds such as Goldfinches. Each packet contains enough seed to cover approximately 5 square metres.
Cornfield annual seed mix in early summer
How to sow your free wildflower seeds
Unlike other wildflowers, cornfield annuals can be grown on rich fertile soils where they will normally grow more strongly and produce a better display. Seeds should be sown onto a carefully prepared, bare, weed-free seed bed in March or April. If possible choose a site in full sunlight and a light soil that is well drained. It is important to note that corn field annuals will not work if sown directly into established grass. Free sowing and maintenance instructions will also be dispatched with all orders.
To view our full range of Wildflower seeds, Meadow seed mixtures, Wildflower Plug plants and bulbs please click here.
To download a copy of our online wildflower manual containing useful sowing tips for Cornfield annuals and other wildflowers please click here.
September and October is the perfect time for sowing Yellow Rattle seeds. This popular and attractive meadow plant can help control grass growth next season. This October, to enable our customers to test the benefits of this great little wild flower, we will be dispatching 5 grams of free 2015 harvested Yellow Rattle seeds for all orders received with a total value of £10 or more (excluding postage). Read more