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Category: Frequently asked questions

When to sow wildflowers

Q:  When is the best time to  sow wildflowers?

A: Wildflower seeds can be sown at any time of year but the best time is generally spring or autumn. Some wild flower seeds such as cowslip and Primrose seeds require  prolonged periods of cold to trigger germination, a process known as stratification.

The best time to sow Wildflower Seeds such as these,  Read more

Wildflowers for lawns

Wildflowers for lawns
Self heal

Q: Is it possible to buy wildflowers for lawns ?

A: Most garden lawns  contain rye grass, a hard wearing species designed to cope with the wear and tear.  Unfortunately rye grass isn’t compatible with many wildflowers, so the best approach can often be to remove any existing grass and sow a wildflower and meadow grass mixture without rye grass.

If this is not possible however, there are still a few species of wildflowers that can be grown quite successfully in lawns containing rye grass. Read more